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72 Following

Witty Little Knitter

I read fantasy, crime, true crime, lgbt-romance and books written by my favourite comedians. List not necessarily complete.
Sometimes I write for Bibliodaze

Currently reading

Stephen and Matilda
Jim Bradbury
Progress: 52/262 pages
Krieg und Frieden
Michael Grusemann, Leo Tolstoy
Progress: 579/1024 pages

Free e-book on Queer Sci-Fi

Blue on Black - Carole Cummings The Queen's Librarian - Carole Cummings

We’re doing something new in 2016 – sign up for our mailing list, and get an eBook from a QSF author for free! Our free titles this week are The Queen’s Librarian or Blue on Black, both by Carole Cummings (your ebook will be sent to you after 3/11 – valid for new sign-ups only).


Note: I don't know the website but that link was shared by Kaje Harper (a m/m author) on Facebook and she probably wouldn't do it if that was a shady site that is going to spam you with dozens of emails.

