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Witty Little Knitter

I read fantasy, crime, true crime, lgbt-romance and books written by my favourite comedians. List not necessarily complete.
Sometimes I write for Bibliodaze

Currently reading

Stephen and Matilda
Jim Bradbury
Progress: 52/262 pages
Krieg und Frieden
Michael Grusemann, Leo Tolstoy
Progress: 579/1024 pages

Review: Belfast Noir

Belfast Noir (Akashic Noir) -

I put of writing this review for ages because I don't have much to say about this book. It is just very...average. Especially the first half. There was only one story that really stood out for me and which I quite enjoyed. The second half was more diverse in the positive and the negative sense. It had stories I really liked but also some that simply weren't my cup of tea at all. Overall the way the stories were sorted also confused my slightly. They are divided into four sections: City of Ghosts, City of Walls, City of Commerce and Brave New City. In the introduction they are explained as stories about Belfast's recent past, it's present problems and challenges and "a guess or two at where the city might go in the future". Now the only stories where I could see the justification for putting them where they are are those in the first part: in City of Ghosts all the stories have some sort of connection to past events but in the others you could easily have swapped the stories with each other and I wouldn't have noticed any difference...(plus some of those stories also feature connections with past events in one way or another so...?)

However overall the introduction written by Stuart Neville and Adrian McKintey is worth mentioning (as well as the Foreword by David Torrans). I think I might have gotten more insight into Belfast and the 'spirit' of the city than from any of the stories.


ARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review