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Witty Little Knitter

I read fantasy, crime, true crime, lgbt-romance and books written by my favourite comedians. List not necessarily complete.
Sometimes I write for Bibliodaze

Currently reading

Stephen and Matilda
Jim Bradbury
Progress: 52/262 pages
Krieg und Frieden
Michael Grusemann, Leo Tolstoy
Progress: 579/1024 pages

Day 24: Novel that reminds you of your (English) teacher

Adressat unbekannt - Kathrine Kressmann Taylor

Well we did also read stuff in English but I remember the plays (Macbeth, An Inspector Calls) much better than the novels (Lord of the Flies...and...ehm...other books) so I'll go for a book that reminds me of my German Teacher (even though the author is American...) who really loved this book and told us that she has gifted the book to pretty much all of her friends. 

I also really enjoyed the book (*cough* unlike the other books we read with that teacher...Nachgetragene Liebe was incredibly boring) and a while ago found an audiobook-version that was read by one of my favourite actors (Matthias Brandt...he could read a toaster-manual and I would listen) which is equally awesome.